Comments by lqud

@moserobert this issue is fixed with the latest update ...
@Beautifulgoblins123 - please, next time open a support ticket.
This is explained quick. This isn't a bug, but the way Ableton Live handles it's parameters.
You must know, that every time you create a new Live Project, all Parameters will get an unique ID and this ID exists only in one Live Project for this unique Parameter. In another Live project the same Parameter has another ID. Or the same ID has another Parameter.
So I recommend, to store the Live project as a template. This should work. Or another workaround could be, to use the Midioutput and map the Parameters via Midi and IAC Bus or LoopBe1.
seems to happen on some machines, here it works properly on Win & Mac. Anyway there's an update available which hopefully fixes this issue.
@grizzlywolf please write to the support via mail
@leescan did you got my mail ... wondering why I didn't get an answer.
@leescan did you contacted me via mail? I haven't seen some support request here ... get in touch to figure it out.
@DNSKI Midi CC Out is added
@crampe this is fixed ... btw. the init values are stored in the pattr ;-) cheers
thanks! Oh yes will integrate an Init button.
It gives you a slection of the chords of the scale and you can trigger them and it pitches the incomming midi Notes to the selected scale, but it can`t detect the chords you`re playing.
any chance to get in touch?
Cool perfectly for working with push
Thanks Maky357 for your Help
the Bug is fixed in Version 1.1
Thanks for testing and reporting the bug - please write to this mailadress: tc {at} soundmanufacture dot net
Hi, is it possible to get in touch with you?
hehe - me too ;-)
tc (at) soundmanufacture (dot) net
Thank you - it looks very good - I'm curious
Hello Hyakken, first many thanks for this excellent piece of work. But there's one thing driving me crazy while I'm working with Pocket Seq - With the bubbles on the right side - a good Idea, but would it be possible to create a "Default" Preset comming on startup? I would be very happy of this feature, cause I'm building a setup with more than one of your sequencers - and now I must to go in every single Sequencer and select the first Bubble before I can begin to Play.
Ahh - and maybe it would be useful that PocketSeq stores the Parameters for Min & Max in the Note Row - what do you think?