Comments by leanderr

Apart from that, absolutely ingenious Device. :D
I bought it in order to use it with Vizzable/Jitter to generate VFX from Audio. However it crashes the Display all the time :-(
Great Device! Especially since it saves Mapping really well in complex sets even if you change the order of devices and stuff. Some other mapping devices get confused there for some reason.

But how about giving it some Curving abilities?

Mapulator doesn't work anymore and the author seems to be vanished. I'd be looking forward to get some basic preset curving features.

Also you cannot map the device to other Multimappers. That could be another feature request.
THis is such a great app but it wont' save any settings anymore with the new ableton! Thank you so much!

I'm highly dependent on this working again! Any Ideas when there'd be a new version? I'd even donate for it!