Comments by jonahbird

Hey crampe,

I fucking love this m4l device and it's instrumental to my workflow and I think it's awesome.

You should know that I'm having what I think is the same / similar problem as jabernathie. Any time I add or delete a track in a set that has Outist in it, it floods the Undo history with a loop of "Undo Change" "Undo Change in 'Outist'" messages that go back and forth forever. Despite this, I love Outist so much I just use it anyway, and it's never fucked me over until now.

I love this device so much; Pleeeeease fix this. Outist & Insist were free but I would straight up pay you $20 anyway if you fixed this one thing.
c2001 is exactly right. This is so close to the best thing ever, but the sliders NEED to reset to zero after you stop adjusting them. To me, it's kinda tragically unusable without this.
If I scrub to the right once, then the slider will be moved to the right side. If I come back a second time and try to scrub left, because that slider is still off to the right from the last time I scrubbed, even when I move it leftwards, Live keeps scrolling right until the slider crosses that midway point again. Both sliders do this.
Unless they reset every time, it kinda makes them impossible to use, because half of the time stuff will move in the wrong direction, and it's impossible to keep track of how far both sliders are from the midpoint.
I don't mean to seem critical. I'm super appreciative of you guys for making this. It's exactly what I've been looking for for years, but this one tiny thing fumbles it at the one-yard line. Really hoping you guys come around to fixing this because it would be incredible.