Comments by ithkaa

@RRR I don't have a Push (and no experience programming for it) so I can not verify this, but you might find a solution in adding a live.banks object to the patch. More info in this thread on the Max forum:
@macdonald I uploaded a new version. Should be fixed now. Let me know if it's still broken ...
@acapello I forgot to freeze the device before uploading. Try downloading it again and let me know if it works now ...
@Syn there are so many things you can do with this idea. Feel free to add your own options ...
@Lester sorry about that ... just uploaded a zip containing both devices
@Pierrot2302 updated the device. Let me know how it goes ...
@sleepcycle insert the device before an instrument and play a note/chord in a MIDI clip or on your keyboard. While playing, move the ‘step’ dial to step through the notes of the selected chord/octave.
@wakax thanks! Planning to share a couple more devices so stay tuned
@peffrey this is normal. The content of a buffer will always be erased when resizing it
Thanks for spotting that @rallevondalle. Seems to work when in Max standalone but some issues in M4L. I deleted the fullscreen option (for now)
@ndivuyo looks like your patch has a lot more functionality ... great stuff! RevStretchR simply reverses/stretches the recorded audio and adds some delay and reverb to create atmospheric textures ...
@Crampe Updated the device. you should now be able to use multiple instances simultaneously. Could you check it out? Let me know if anything doesn't work for you.

@M4L this device relies heavily on some new features of the groove~ object (stretching/transposing) in max 7. I know that not everybody has upgraded (or will ever upgrade) but I want to share this device with those who did.

@Crampe Updated the device. you should now be able to use multiple instances simultaneously. Could you check it out? Let me know if anything doesn't work for you.

@M4L this device relies heavily on some new features of the groove~ object (stretching/transposing) in max 7. I know that not everybody has upgraded (or will ever upgrade) but I want to share this device with those who did.

@Crampe Updated the device. you should now be able to use multiple instances simultaneously. Could you check it out? Let me know if anything doesn't work for you.

@M4L this device relies heavily on some new features of the groove~ object (stretching/transposing) in max 7. I know that not everybody has upgraded (or will ever upgrade) but I want to share this device with those who did.

@Crampe true ... I'll look into it for future versions
Hi Crampe, I reuploaded the device ... should be fixed now!