Comments by hypnosapien

This is great! Should the controls on the device (1.0.5) update when patches are changes, either on the JU-06 itself or on the patch window on the device? Meaning, when program changes are transmitted. Thanks!
Thanks for the info regarding tempo. Not a big deal. One other thing I would recommend as a feature would be the ability to insert micro fades at the beginning of each slice to potentially eliminate the pops/clicks that can occur at certain slice points. Maybe an on/off option? Thanks!
Okay, I determined that changing the tempo while transport is running definitely interrupts audio from push chop, and them it is never in tempo sync again, even when changing back to the original tempo. But if you stop transport and then change tempo, everything is still in sync when you start back up.

This is certainly not a big deal and will not prevent me from using this great tool live, but I thought it was worth mentioning in case you have a fix for it.

Once again, simply outstanding work here!
This is absolutely outstanding! As someone who previously relied heavily on mlr and molar using my monome, this is a welcome addition to my push arsenal!

I did manage to crash it once, when I accidentally grabbed the tempo knob and changed the tempo in live while it was playing. After that, the loops would not play back in sync, and after trying a few things to remedy the situation, live froze up. I'll play with it a bit more and see if I can make it happen in a repeatable fashion.

All things considered, this is a fantastic device, and I look forward to its development! Cheers!