Comments by freshvintijbatls

great simple device, God bless you !!! would be dope also if you could add a tritone modifier
firstly youre amazing for porting this !!!!!

amazing at so many levels !!!!

have to report on windows it fails at the docker cp to extract from the container, i can do it manually via powershell, not too sure why my js aint great to bug fix but wanted to changed the js but cant figure out how to get the python to point to the containerID as that chaanges everytime its ran i think *docker newbie
maybe not sure before i touch the code the UI in docker desktop for windows is diff instead of shared drives it has file sharing is that the same thing
willing to help if what i said makes sense lol
and thank you again azuki i appreciate you !!!
i need your help !!

im trying to modify your patch to make it work with the micro korg but im failing im trying to get your patch to avoid using the data LSB as the synth doesnt support those message and it doesnt work

if you can help thanks
Love the device Anyway of making the random button midi mappable anyone ? ✌🏿
is it just me or does the device not sound when the trigger note is exactly at the down beat i.e. 1.1.1 but if i slighty nudge the note it then sounds ?