Comments by freevibes

Sir , this is an excellent device !
Works super well and finally I can taste microtonal polyphony without having to make sourcery
Astonishing work !
Thanks for sharing this perl.
working here ...
Nice . I did some small devices to archieve exatcly this concept . Thanks i will try it soon!
Man what a device ! , Am amazed by its simplicity and powerfull potential . I would like to have maped to a knob or something else the wave position to granulate . I will try if you dont mind in max my self but im quite bad at patching ... Thanks
Hi there . Very good device thanks for sharing. Is there anyway to change the routing to make it not to write the undo history everytime a value moves? it makes it really anoying, i tried my self but i couldnt , the way for doing it is described here

Please tell me asap if you have time for it , i will keep trying my self with the live.remote

like not said... was my mistake :-p
hi there .Thanks for your work and sharing but is crashing. İ set up all the parameters but sound is stopping after the tape stop is being permormed . Code problem or what ?thanks in advance
Hi .İts very cool idea your device . Just a bit annoying the fact that the colored faders are going from 0% to 100% then back to 0% . There is no way to tweek it to have a simple 0% to 100% ? cheers