Comments by elmmaxell

does this work with the Push 1?
i expected a typical bitcrusher/compressor type thing, but this is much more subtle and nuanced than i expected. sounds super accurate to the old Akais and works wonders on smudging up drum breaks. makes me miss my old MPC-2000!
dude this is incredible, one of my favorite devices i've found in a while. such a unique concept!

i got really incredible resampled results by throwing some loops in basically at random, trying different combinations of them, mapping the Size and Fade knobs and volume sliders within Shhh to a MIDI controller, and slamming the whole thing into a Doom Compressor (

i got some really amazing material that i haven't heard from another device. fantastic work!
although i supposed that'd be a massive CPU hog, lol...
this has been so incredible useful and fun, well done!! absolutely love jamming on a nice piano sound with the controls mapped to midi knobs, then resampling that for instant ambient pads and gorgeous clicks and cuts loops.
amazing! use it all the time for resampling, although it'd be even more useful just as a live effect if the parameters were automatable. ESPECIALLY the randomize button, like if you could map it to a random LFO? instant zero effort unpredictable glitching.
amazing job, thank you! no more using the infamous 100 EQ3/OTTs trick, lol
dude thank you, incredible plugin! i wasted so much time before bouncing stuff to 64kbps in Audacity. exactly what i wanted from GHZ Lossy but for free, plus you can't beat the no BS one knob interface.