Comments by drimscloud

Could this be used in several instances in one Live Set to effectively double the amount of tracks monitored?
Just got this, but haven't tried it out yet. I did want to ask before I delve in, however:

Could this device be used to trace any lingering/previous MIDI mappings on a parameter?
See, I've been trying to use Liine's Lemur app to control certain aspects of Live 9, but it's a constant uphill battle trying to lay everything out one piece at a time (nothing new, I know).
It becomes even more bothersome when parameters are either accidentally/previously mapped to the same MIDI control (ie, an audio track's on/off switch is linked by one of Lemur's controls with a VSTs LFO Wave selector). That kinda shit just slows things down more, and I'd hope something like this could help me avoid hitting those obstacles before they happen. A kind of "checking the lines" before finalizing a full set-up.

What do you think?