Comments by djpnwo

Great :D
for sure, it's an update for me :)
A great idea stay a great idea :)
Oups... great idea with smile not "?" :D
Great idea 😊
You have the 1.0?
Try the 1.1 :)
Thank you, exactly what I wanted... juste, more Mapppppiinnnngggggggg, METAAAAAAALLLLLL :D
Sorry for my english :)

Is it possible to choose a frequency on audio track and follow it?
Excellent taf :)
Je profite de tomber sur un français qui aime le thé,
Si jamais, je cherche un outil de ce genre >>>>,moduler-frequences-d-un-eq.html

Merci à toi et joyeux non anniversaire :)
Great job :)
I love it :)