Comments by delaneyparker

I finally purchased 1.15 ROMs and added sample select + reverse. Enjoy!
I took a quick look at the xbase888 manual and a lot of the MIDI CC values are the same. There is a good chance you can control most if not all of the xbase888 drum parameters with this patch as-is. Give it a shot and let us know! :-)
Re:?Bank/Kit select - I was able to reproduce your issue! It looks like some odd timing problem between when the AirBase receives the bank select message and the program change message. As a quick hack I just added a delay to the program change message... ugly, but it seems to work.

Check out v0.6, it contains this fix and more! =]
Thanks for the feedback fudog. I'll try to answer your questions as best as I can.

Bank/Kit select - This works for me, and I'm using the MIDI messages recommended in the manual to do it... hmm. What version of the firmware are you running? I suspect we may be running different versions and that could be the problem.

Sync button - I'm not sure pulling is possible. Right now, the Sync button basically spins through all the parameters and sends the knob data out to the JoMoX via CC messages. I don't believe there is a way to 'read' this data from the JoMoX short of doing something clever with SysEx, and even then I'm not so sure... I can look into it.

CC naming / automation - Yeah, this was a known problem going in. Basically it was me being lazy and letting m4l auto name my controls instead of naming each one myself (there are so many!). It definitely does suck and I need to fix it, I'm just having trouble finding the block of time to do it.

Updates - Yes! There are some coming, a YouTube user - Basmund has contributed controls for the LFOs and I'm contemplating adding mute and/or solo buttons, so stay tuned!