Comments by concec

No instructions??
So far things are working well! Thanks for the follow up !!
not sure if this helps, but this would also be for an audio track
hmm... doesn't see to be working. Crossfader cursor is stuck in the middle and won't budge

Ahhh... Thank you so much!!!
OCH, not sure what enhancements you made. I just see the map options, which im unable to invoke. Seems to be greyed out. Any release notes??
i give up :-) Where exactly would those changes be made? Not a programmer, per se. Any guidance you could pass along would be much appreciated. Can email me directly, if better...
Can the order be changed... i.e. Channel A being at the top instead of B?
Game Changer... Thank you so much!!!
Desperately needed functionality that I can't believe Ableton skipped over