Comments by bubbleandsquawk

Indeed, docB’s TME operates on entirely the same principles. It produces and is operated using control voltages. MIDIMUSE produces MIDI note messages in the handy form factor of a M4L device, synced to your live set. 

Maybe I will make a video at some point
Hi zeph! I don't currently have any plans to make one. The original Muse is well documented. Please check out Donald Tillman's excellent Javascript version here for a more in depth explanation of how it works -

Love your work. If I can just offer a couple of suggestions. On the Minimoog and other similar Moog offerings the oscillator mixer section also saturates the signal. I notice in your description it apparently does overdrive the filter circuit, however I found the effect to be pretty mild. In your patch I tried to implement this simply by adding an [overdrive~ 5] before the filter, which does fine job, but you could try other saturation algos. The other thing I noticed is the filter doesn't scream and self oscillate like the real thing and it would certainly be nice if it did. I have a Slim Phatty and it really is capable of some filthy sounds.
This is so cool. Thank you.
FM via the patchbay seems to be restricted to a pretty shallow depth.

Otherwise, pretty nice take!
This is really useful. Unfortunately, when it is running it fills up the undo list in Live with Change "live.numbox[8]".