Comments by bpouille

hi ! do you think this could be used to dynamicaly control the amount of volume being feed in a feedback system so it never goes full larsen, but making a living instrument ? it would be awesome
Also a simple and well thinked note skipper feature like this one could be great and unleash the variation of this polyrythmic beast !

Maybe it's not your purpose but having also probabilistic alternate note(s) hitted by the sequences would give this to be the best sequencer ever haha

It adds a lot of UI elements, but your interface is so clean that i'm sure you would be able to make some sense about this.

I love the GUI that these two guys build if you don't know them :
Amazing dude ! Use it to sequence everykind of stuff since two days it's so. dope ! By using it I've been thinking about features that i want to share with you.

A global retrig and a retrig for each sequence function, so the polyrythmic madness can be more controlable.

An autoname function for the sequences name based on the drumrack selected or the closest in the chain.

Some smoothing feature for the envelope lines.

A note offseter to be able to offset a 32 sequences readed at speed 1 to be displaced by a percentage of the 1 length, or a specific number of 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 or a fixed time in secs.

I'm also wondering if we could have some kind of random sequence displacement, by clicking randomly (or according to a pattern) onto the arrows. Or maybe my last two ideas can give you an idea about a more convenient tool that can do both.

Anyway, this device is already incredible, love your work, thanks !!! :)