Comments by borb

Hi! This is a great device for chiptune arpeggios!

Unfortunately, I run into troubles right away. I tried to use the device before the default arpeggiator, but somehow the device state does not reset when i let go of the piano keys. I.e, on the first played chord it works as expected, but in the next chord there are strange jumpy pauses between the chord sequences (i.e., if i play C major, it's C-E-G - pause - C-E-G - pause etc), but after a few pauses it starts working again like in the first time. It kinda sounds like an old car engine that first coughs for a bit and then starts running.

If i press the "reset" button on the device, it works again, but for the first chord only.

(ableton live 10, win 10)
oops wrong thread!
Hi! I tried to use this device but somehow the effect does not reset when i let go of my piano keys. I.e, on the first chord it works as expected, but next time there are strange jumpy pauses between the chord sequences (i.e., if i play C major, it's C-E-G - pause - C-E-G - pause etc), but after a few pauses it starts working again like in the first time.

And if i press the "reset" button on the device, it works again, but for the first chord only.

(ableton live 10, win 10)