Comments by bongo808

Video :
i am back to this device and it seems it is a bit tricky to use it in a safe way. I am discovering new things now... it seems the device absolutely needs to be insertet when the live set is done, any important modification like moving tracks or adding new racked devices may cause problems. It is not easy for me to fix and understand all these thinks as it is a quite heavy m4l patch and my laptop seems to overload its processor each time I open the patch to check it, so everything takes a loooooooooot of time...
However I am pretty confident that the patch is clean, but an error on this huge thing is of course still possible. I am now managing to find a (safe and fast) way for it to check automatically the live set when it is modified. Any help or advice is welcome, it could be a great reliable device.

Hi repeatle,

thanks for your message and interest. Glad to hear it works well.
For now, it is not possible to control snapshots from a clip in session mode. You probably know that you can make an automation of it in arrangement view, and that it will be possible to make an automation in session view with Live 9.
I could modify the device to receive external control in the future, stay in tune for coming updates.

Save your soul.


Thanks a lot for your comment and for Kapture link, I didn't know this one, it's well built... with scripts... It seems to be really lighter and faster than mine, but as you suggested, things are missing in both of them. Actually, I have been looking for a way to link presets with scene names but I didn't find, and I am not sure I can't find it in Kapture as it is scripts. It could be simple to add mute, solo, record state... on mine, but it will be still a little bit slow... I am also thinking about making sends values to be recalled progressively to avoid unwanted jumps, and maybe a version for monome with preset recall and direct sends control. I will have a look soon and try to make some improvements.
Just uploaded a little upgrade. Just started with max two weeks ago, so I may have done some things in the complicated way, but I am pretty sure this device works well as described.
I hope to have some comments for improvements, to upload the first non-beta version soon.