Comments by bdumaguina

Do you have any videos explaining how this works? I'm interested.
Would it be easier to get in touch via email?
Gah, I really wished this site had notifications for replies! Thank you for responding @Render, yes I'm getting errors regarding Java 2 Runtime Environment. I've installed the latest Java SE Runtime Environment 8u121. Still getting the same errors. Am I missing something?
Gah, I really wished this site had notifications for replies! Thank you for responding @Render, yes I'm getting errors regarding Java 2 Runtime Environment. I've installed the latest Java SE Runtime Environment 8u121. Still getting the same errors. Am I missing something?
Any tutorials on how to use this? Dildano and bugcompass, would you care to maybe also share your thoughts on it's shortcomings? I'm getting a bit lost with your comments regarding max4live programming :) So far this is the only max4live surround panning solution.
I am also probably missing something. It's not working on my end. Using 9.7 Build 2016-09-29 64 bit
I think it's not working with Live 9.6.2. Please confirm. Thanks.
Thank you good Sir. Works like a charm!