Comments by b3nny

that's a good idea, I will definitely take it into consideration for the supposed update ;)
I think that the problem is that you haven't set the control range on the enveloper device. Note the three red rectangles in the screenshot, that's where you set the range.

Try clicking those in your set, hope it helps.
it was developed on windows, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Have you tried upgrading to the most recent version of max5 ?

It was developed on 5.1.8, and I have no way to test with earlier versions here.
Maybe you could take a screendump / copy the text from the max message window, to help locate the problem.
can you be more specific?

what happens when you try to drag the device to a midi track? a 5+ minute demo of two parallel 'boiling' playing the same note, and another 'boiling' doing a very trebly drone.