Comments by annadyne

Amazing device - thank you!!!
Fabulous Device - Gamechanger! Great work - thank you!
Really loving your Device - it's helped me reverse a song I was working on months ago. Hope all is well in your world!
Looks so handy - thank you, zsteinkamp!
Ahhh this is cool - thank you, PatrickDSP!!!
Looks super-handy - thank you!
This looks like some smashing good fun - thank you!!!
Ooo this looks great - thank you! Especially the delete and get recording again in same sesh slot - super helpful!
Looks great - about to give it a whirl - very useful and clever to implement specified pitch for left and right channels!
Purchased! Looks very inspiring. Wonderful of you to donate funds to causes. Wish you all the best, Dillon!
Oh this looks cool - nice break when you get to a frustrating point with composing - can't wait to try it ~
Ahh this looks sooo cool - awesome of you to respond to request for Transpose! Been using Live since v2 - can't wait to try this.