Comments by amounra

Thanks for the feedback, guys. It really helps to know what is going on with other users.

If you will drop me some email, I'll try to get the specifics of what is going wrong with your setup and we can fix it.

This site doesn't forward comments to my mail, and I don't have time to check it very often, so be sure to post any bugs on my blogsite. I'm sure to see them there, as I get notified immediately. Thanks :)
Scene buttons don't do anything for this patch, I couldn't come up with a good way to use them. For what its worth, I may rebuild this patch soon so that its not using javascript like the original. Makes it kind of laggy when other things are happening.

Any recommendations/requests for the scene buttons? I thought I might make them change the size of the grid, or clearall, or something...
Sorry...a brief map to the program window is here:

Wow I've been using this for six months and didn't realize it was yours. Once again, your an angel :)
Groovy. Please let me know if you are able to get this working. Looking forward to see what others come up with using this tool.
Cool :) Love to know how this works out for you.
I think I posted the youtube video under moNodal. Hadn't decided on a name yet.

I will hopefully have more time to make a tutorial video for monomod and a proper annotated video for plinko next couple of days. Running sound all weekend and super busy.
For the record, these patches could be modified to be true RGB by the inclusion of a simple coll object. In fact, I'll make sure to provide an option for loading a custom RGB color table the next update, as soon as I figure out what the specification is for sending values to RGB capable devices. Plinko is roughly RGB capable, as is Life (yet to be uses like 25 colors, and neither the Launchpad or TouchOSC are capable of rendering them). Feedback is encouraged....
Fair enough. Ammended to "multicolor".
Only two are here so far. I was waiting for a response from Stretta to release two of the others, as they are ports of his patches. Stay tuned, there will be a few updates to this one shortly.

Here is Plinko:

and here is Nomeout:

Sorry the documentation probably isn't too great right now...I've been working this patch for over a year and there is a lot crammed in there. I tend to forget and take things for granted. Feel free to drop me a note if you need help getting things working, it will help me figure out what I need to document better.