Comments by all4live

peckoon, "ms" is to switch mid and side track contents, means you just have a mono signal ....
WHZLY, if you press solo on the track from which the signal is leaving, then in the usual version the receiving track will not be in solo, this device will solo the track on which it is located, that is, the track on which the signal comes, as well as the default Live send ... yes, there are small bugs, but they will be fixed in the update ....

+ lo pass and hi pass filters will be added, as well as the ability to separately receive the left and right channels of your choice ... well, and some more improvements ....
Hoags, check your email and download the device again, - error fixed ....
coming soon in the next update ....
check the video on :
Torley, the automation of these parameters is disabled...


1) are you talking about scaling options ? (zoom)
2) yes, in work, thinking about the concept ...

R. = reset audio clip parameters to default, does not work with track parameters