Comments by TBTAHG

Hey, thanks for the feedback!

I'm not sure what you mean exactly with your question, as there are two possibilities here, so I'll just answer both of them ;-)

1. If you want the M4L device to display the settings of a patch saved on the M4L device itself when changing patch-number on the BS2, this should work. If it doesn't work, you need to check your MIDI preferences in Live (check if 'track' is on under preferences -> midi / sync -> input: Bass Station II) + you need to make sure your track is armed and is set to receive midi in from either 'All Ins' or 'Bass Station II' (whatever you prefer).

Also, you obviously need to have a patch saved on the device under the specific number you navigate to. As you first use the device, all patch-numbers are blank; and so changing patch-numbers won't do anything because there is no information in the preset-file to display and send to the BS2 in the first place.

If you want to save the presets on your BS2 to the M4L device, you can use the indicator LEDs next to patch-number on your BS2, which show you which value each parameter actually has for that patch: Top LED lit means the value you are at is too low, bottom LED lit means the value you are at is too high, no LED lit means you hit the right spot. (Obviously, this only works when you are actually turning a knob :-) -> Do this for every parameter and then press save on the M4L device and you have your patch imported to the device. I realize this might be some work, but you only need to do this once for each preset, and personally, I rather just create and save my presets on the M4L device from the beginning, so there is no need to import presets from BS2 to the M4L device, and it gives me the possibility to have a many presets as I want without having to use the BS2 Librarian).

2. If you want the device to display the settings of a preset that is saved on your BS2 (and not on the M4L device itself) when you change patch-number, then that feature is not supported by my device -> I had to choose between importing presets from BS2 to the M4L device or sending presets from the M4L device to BS2, and I chose the latter because a lot of my friends own a BS2, and so I found it more interesting to be able to recall my presets on any BS2 from within Ableton Live (so I don't have to carry my BS2 with me every time I go jamming at their house...)

There exists a device which should give you this functionality though (notice it lacks some of the other features of my own device), so if that's what you are looking for, go check out this device right here ->

(I can't guarantee it works all that well though, as I've never even used the latest version of this device myself for obvious reasons mentioned above, and previous versions of it didn't prove to be very stable on my setup, which is the very reason I created this device myself ;-)

Sorry for the TL;DR, but I hope that answers your question!

And either way, enjoy! ;-)
Hey, great work, and really beautifully done! Thanks!

To return the favor: I made the device bi-directional again, using only native M4L components to keep CPU usage as low as possible (just as light as your own version) and to avoid external routers / javascript. So if you ever reconsider the need for bi-directional control, give it a try! And thanks again, I couldn't have done this without your work.
