Comments by Streuner

I updated it a little bit, but sometimes it still might not work. try it yourself! I'll be testing it within the next week and might update it again.
If you find something, that isnt working, tell me!
For example, I found it not to be working anymore if I delete a clip within the live set. After that the device needs some kind of reeboot i guess.

Can you tell me what exactly isn't working? I've downloaded it and it works on my laptop. So I think that every part of the patch should be in it.
I`m not too much into this copyright stuff, but "NoDerivatives" would prevent other people (theoretically) from uploading a modified version, right without permission, right? But thanks for pointing this out to me.
changed it to "AttributionNonCommercial"
My latest M4L device:

Easily map chords to your pad controller or keyboard. Check it out!
--Update! now you can add the root note as bass note 2 octaves below --> You can use an instrument rack to simultaniusly play chords + bass. AND all chord informations are saved with the liveset ( as far as I have tested it.)----
Currently the chords are not saved with the liveset, but i`m working on this atm, should be done within the next days. And i`ve added a button to add the root note 2 octaves lower, so you can use this note for a bass sound.


Hier die zip. Datei mit den Midi Clips !

/ Follow the link to download the zip. package,which contains all necessary midi files.