Comments by PEEV

Very good device that aged quite well.
Thanks a lot @iamsaitam
Very convenient device. Thanks a lot @crcorrell !
Great work on this one! Thank you so much for sharing !
I have 2 suggestions if you are open to them (otherwise, just ignore me haha)
- The image Zoom and Positioning features are a bit hard to get right with the current UX based on knobs. could you try something with sliders ? Or even better: a slider (linked to mouse-wheel) for Zoom, and mouse click & drag for positioning !
- After adjusting a few parameters, the device goes silent and does not output any signal. It is fixed by changing the Bar Duration parameter, so I think there's something going on with a buffer and its lifecycle / refresh rate.

Keep up the fantastic work ! I will happily support a paid version if you keep building over this one !!!
Just bought the set, I expect a lot of fun. Congrats ! And keep it up !
amazing !
Just passing by showing some appreciation for this device.
It's simple, expressive and a joy to use.
Keep up the great work.