Comments by ManifestAudioLLC

Ahh, glad you found it! For anyone else looking, our in-depth tutorial walkthrough video is here: 
Thanks for the heads-up Philois! Hadn't seen the commercial option earlier...
Hey Ginza! X-Looper only handles MIDI note data - but we just released our dedicated Mod Looper to loop any control signal you want using the same architecture; if you multi-map a controller to the corresponding parameters of both devices it would effectively empower you to loop MIDI and (mapped) control data at the same time. More info on Mod Looper here:
It does indeed! :)
@njassal - if you want to try and audio-triggered S&H modulator, along with a somewhat more advanced implementation of Dennis' brilliant device here, check our free Mod Squad bundle here:
Thanks Syn - and cheers FreddyFingaz! So glad to hear you're enjoying our devices. :)
Thanks Irishmos! But this is in fact the correct link above, insomuch as there is no specific product page for Note Trigger - it only comes included with our Utility Boost bundle linked here.
Hi aoxomoxoa23 - glad you're enjoying Mod Squad! We are unable to reproduce the issue you describe with our MIDI Keytracker. Are you using the latest version of Mod Squad? If not, please try that out and let us know. :)
Nice! Hope you're enjoying it... :)
Wowww - thank you for this awesome feedback FreddyFingaz! So glad you're enjoying X-Translate. :)
Hi ScruffyFox & itsBREX - so glad you're enjoying this device!

And ScruffyFox, this issue should be resolved now - please re-download from the device page and let us know.

Also, in the future, feel free to file bug reports with us here:
Thanks for this, maky357! :)
That's amazing thickthumb66, thanks so much for this wonderful feedback! :)
Cheers Pheek & LaidbackPistol - so glad you're enjoying these!
Thanks for this wonderful feedback, really glad you're happy with it! That balance between generative and performance features is exactly what we were aiming for. :)

Ratcheting request duly noted.
Hi Rosko! Thanks for clarifying - yes audiojet, it's true. After adding to cart, you must complete the checkout process. And Rosko, I agree: I also wish there wasn't so much information requested on checkout! It's simply the default setting from our backend hosting service which we unfortunately are not able to change. However, the only information actually required to be accurate is your email, since that's where the download link arrives - but please feel free to enter something silly for all the other fields! To be clear though, if the email entered at checkout is not correct, you will not receive the link.
Hi audiojet! Have you checked all your Junk and Spam folders? The email containing your download link is automated by Squarespace.