Comments by LeoVirtuoso

hi Zangpa
thanks a lot for your device!
It seems that the number of scenes it can control is limited to 334. If so, is there any way to change this to a larger number?

many thanks!
Hi GuillaumeBertrand,
thanks for your device. any chance of adding the possibility to choose the midi channel the filter works on?
PS: I do not have AL Suite / m4l yet, that's why I cannot test whether this would work myself..
Hi Salzbunny

Thanks für creating and offering this device. Can you tell me if this will work for my scenario?
What I’m looking for is the ability to “listen” to “All” MIDI channels on a track, but filter out all note messages coming from a specific attached keyboard controller. This would give me the ability to use my e-Piano to trigger the notes on the instrument on the respective track, while being able to make use of the wheels and knobs of another attached controller, without having the latter trigger the notes of the instrument on the track.
So I think I could chain your device, and after selecting the MIDI channel, use another devise to filter our the note messages on this channel..

I hope you get what I mean. Thanks for considering!
Best LeoVirtuoso
Hi SonicAlchemist

Thanks für creating and offering this device. Do you think you could create a similar device to filter MIDI note massages on a specific channel?
What I’m looking for is the ability to “listen” to “All” MIDI channels on a track, but filter out all note messages coming from a specific attached keyboard controller. This would give me the ability to use my e-Piano to trigger the notes on the instrument on the respective track, while being able to make use of the wheels and knobs of another attached controller, without having the latter trigger the notes of the instrument on the track.

I hope you get what I mean. Thanks for considering!
Best LeoVirtuoso
Hi kenders2000

Thanks für creating and offering this device. Does your device offer the option of filtering MIDI messages with a specific channel only? What I’m looking for is the ability to “listen” to “All” MIDI channels on a track, but filter out all note messages coming from a specific attached keyboard controller. This would give me the ability to use my e-Piano to trigger the notes on the instrument on the respective track, while being able to make use of the wheels and knobs of another attached controller, without having the latter trigger the notes of the instrument on the track.

I hope you get what I mean. Thanks for considering!
Best LeoVirtuoso
Hey JoeM

Thanks für creating and offering this device. Does your device offer the option of filtering MIDI messages with a specific channel only? What I’m looking for is the ability to “listen” to “All” MIDI channels on a track, but filter out all note messages coming from a specific attached keyboard controller. This would give me the ability to use my e-Piano to trigger the notes on the instrument on the respective track, while being able to make use of the wheels and knobs of another attached controller, without having the latter trigger the notes of the instrument on the track.

I hope you get what I mean. Thanks for considering!
Best LeoVirtuoso
Hey sacredgeometry

Thanks für creating and offering this device. Does your device offer the option of filtering MIDI messages with a specific channel only? What I’m looking for is the ability to “listen” to “All” MIDI channels on a track, but filter out all note messages coming from a specific attached keyboard controller. This would give me the ability to use my e-Piano to trigger the notes on the instrument on the respective track, while being able to make use of the wheels and knobs of another attached controller, without having the latter trigger the notes of the instrument on the track.

I hope you get what I mean. Thanks for considering!
Best LeoVirtuoso
Hey Takadimi

Thanks für creating and offering this device. Does your device offer the option of filtering MIDI messages with a specific channel only? What I’m looking for is the ability to “listen” to “All” MIDI channels on a track, but filter out all note messages coming from a specific attached keyboard controller. This would give me the ability to use my e-Piano to trigger the notes on the instrument on the respective track, while being able to make use of the wheels and knobs of another attached controller, without having the latter trigger the notes of the instrument on the track.

I hope you get what I mean. Thanks for considering!
Best LeoVirtuoso
Hey dric

Thanks für creating and offering this device. Does your device offer the option of filtering MIDI messages with a specific channel only? What I’m looking for is the ability to “listen” to “All” MIDI channels on a track, but filter out all note messages coming from a specific attached keyboard controller. This would give me the ability to use my e-Piano to trigger the notes on the instrument on the respective track, while being able to make use of the wheels and knobs of another attached controller, without having the latter trigger the notes of the instrument on the track.

I hope you get what I mean. Thanks for considering!
Best LV