Comments by Leckerfisch

Hello, i dont had a look at your device, but the problem with the difference between mouse and midi seems to be related to the different execution priorities:

"Event Priority in Max (Scheduler vs. Queue)
Events can be generated from different sources?for example, a MIDI keyboard, the metronome object, a mouse click, a computer keyboard, etc. The first two examples typically have timing information associated with the event?i.e. the events have a scheduled time when they are to be executed. The latter two do not?i.e. they are simply passed by the operating system to the application to be processed as fast as they can, but at no specifically scheduled time. These first two events (i.e. MIDI and metro) fall into the category of high priority or scheduler events, while the second two events (i.e. mouse click and key press) fall into the category of low priority or queue events.

...Changing Priority...

There may also be instances when you want to move a low priority event to a high priority event, or make use of the scheduler for setting a specific time at which an event should execute. This can be accomplished by using the delay or pipe objects. ...."

this is from:

best regards.

I really like this LineFO. thank you

Here are two bugs i've found during testing the device:
1. for some parameters the maximum modulation range (0-127 in the LinFO) does not match with the available range of the modulated parameter. for axample: the parameters of "auto filter" (attack, decay, frequency, etc.)

2. It seems to be no problem to move a device with a modulated parameter to different locations, but if you save your live project and open it again a parameter from a different device is being modulated, which has the same live path as the one from the beginning. clear ?