Comments by LakesideWiseman

Another suggestion!

Currently if you have glide setup in your synth, when you press the next key to glide to, the envelope starts over, then drops to zero as soon as the first note is released.

A button to turn glide on/off for each envelope would be great.

Thanks again for your hard work!
That was my problem indeed. I can't believe I missed that. Seems obvious now.

Thanks for you help. This is exactly what I needed.

It would be nice if we had a map button like the standard m4l devices have. 3 drop downs is a bit tedious.

Still great device, thanks!
Oh, and I've tried it on a single device as well. I dropped an AMP in and tried applying the envelope to the Dry/Wet parameter to no avail...
Doesn't work. It lets me select the device parameter, but nothing happens.
Running Live 8.2.5 and Max 5.1.9

Here is a screen shot of it in action, and doing nothing.