Comments by LSKA

Thanks for the link, I'll try to work on it next week!
Hi piguz,
the device is based on the aka.leapmotion external, developed by Masayuku Akamatsu, which is only for Mac.
I don't have the coding skills to make a Windows version of the external, so I'm afraid ther will not be a windows version, unless someone builds a Leapmotion Max external for windows.
The last version (0.9) should now consistantly support 'momentary' MIDI controls. Any feedback would be very appreciated.
I added a bit of comments in the device, you should be able to see them in the info view area.

About the momentary midi command, it should be relatively easy to do what you're looking for, but as for now I'm looking for a way to get it more consistent. I'll post an update soon.

Hello aviavi,
thanks for pointing that out.
I changed the button with a live.button. Now it should be controllable via MIDI. Enjoy!