Comments by JustCox

They are not there unfortunately. Anyway thank you so much :)
When i loaded the old version there was only some Waveforms in your version I now can see the added Waveforms but i can not find the LFO3 and LFO4. So it works more or less or have i missed something? Thank you for your help!
Hi Pauk! Is there any possibility that if I press the randomize button only the selected !Midi Track! and the selected Section will be randomized? Because if on another Midi Track there is a certain selection e.g. LFO or FX etc. active this will be randomized as well. So the instance of 1 Midi Track will randomize all the other Midi Tracks as well. Do you know what I mean? Thank you for this great device :)
bpatcher: bpatcher: error loading patcher Novation Peak.maxpat
bpatcher: patchcord inlet out of range: deleting patchcord
When I open it in Max and go into edit mode I see nothing but the blue tabs also in Live I only see the blue tabs.
I'm wondering, like I said I only see the 4 blue tabs nothing else.
What i mean with MIDI Control is that when i pull the amxd into the midi slot i only see the tabs like Osc Voice Filter & FX but nothing else. I click on them an nothing happen so there are no control buttons everything is empty. I use 10.1.25.
Hi there :) I don't know why but the midi control is empty i got the old max4live version and there i can see all the buttons but in your version i can see nothing. I was wondering? Do you have any idea? Greetings :)