Comments by JimmyBollox

This is great ScruffyFox! I've learnt everything about M4L and coding in general from tutorials like this so I'm chuffed you used my device :)
Hi Vandeaux,
Sorry to hear you're having trouble. Have you got two different clips with notes in them? The time/pitch methods could produce similar results depending on the note patterns.
You are quite right Braduro - one of my goals was to make something that stopped my writers block whenever I opened up Ableton. Even if I don't use all the new clips as a transition/bridge, I still have some various new rhythms and melodies that I would't normally be able to create.
Hi braduro,
Thanks for the feedback on my devices, much appreciated!
Just because you asked, I've added a bundle donation option here:

I created these patches simply as a hobby and challenge for myself and never intended to make a commercial enterprise out of it. It certainly takes some time and perseverance so I have really appreciated the support and donations people have made.
Yes, this device is certainly more of an oddity. It was really a stepping stone to creating the Morph patch. It will probably be more use musically when playing the clips in reverse order - from the converged notes to the melody.