Comments by Helder

Great device, thanks! I don't know if I am understanding this correctly, but couldn't this be used as a limiter on a master track?
Can we midi map the individual step buttons and length (number of steps) knob on this device?
I managed to solve this problem: "Another thing that I have noticed: when I use the Microtone device to play my monosynth, when I play legato it does NOT retune the new note! I.e. if I hold a note and play another without releasing the first, it does not retune the new note but maintains the pitchbend data from the previous note" - you simply cannot group a Microtone Device (e.g. SCL Loader) and the Voice Reciever (non-MPE version) together, this will create the error. Just keep them separate and it should work fine.
But - my monosynth (Toraiz AS-1) still does not recieve legato information from midi passing through the Microtone Device. If the device is off it plays legato fine, but if it is on, the envelope gets retriggered everytime. I tried to change all the settings in my synth (note priority, etc.) but it does not work, it always retriggers the envelope. It seems to be something that the Microtne device does internally, how it treats notes played in legato mode for monosynths (1 channel).
Great to see new feedback and updates on this thread! Thank you!
I can attest that pitchbend and controller data now passes through the device, except only on the MPE edition. This is a shame, as I mostly use the previous edition to control a hardware monophonic synth.
Another thing that I have noticed: when I use the Microtone device to play my monosynth, when I play legato it does NOT retune the new note! I.e. if I hold a note and play another without releasing the first, it does not retune the new note but maintains the pirchbend data from the previous note. Thisnis not ideal. Can this be changed? It is essential to play monosynths correctly, to add glides etc. Again (hope it was clear!): if I play a note, release it, and then play another, there is no problem, they play at the intended microtones. But if I play legato it does not retune the new note so it plays at the incorrect pitch for that scale. Only when I release the first before playing the second it plays the correct pitch. I have changed priority settings etc in the synth but it seems to be a problem with the Microtona device. Please also note that the monosynth only recieves in one midi channel.
Otherwise it works great, but for microtonal acida lines legato playing is essential!
Thank you.
I love it, it is very well implemented, and with the MPE implementations in Live it should be even better. However, one thing that is missing - and I see this often in retuning software - is the inability to pass through pitch bend data to bend microtonal notes from their center. Modulation wheel data passes through ok, but pitchbend data is filtered out and I don’t think it has to be. A microtonal note can still bend upwards and downwards and return to its microtonal center at pitchbend zero. Maybe you could implement this? This would make this the perfect solution for microtonality in Live from all the options I have come across. Thanks.
Hi, me again :) Unfortunately a user can not delete past comments otherwise I'd start over :)

What I found really is this: the Retune device does not allow data other than midi note and pitch bend to pass through. I tried passing modwheel (CC1) data and it does not work properly. It worked on the Analog Live Instrument because I used midi learn and so it was direct, not through teh device. But in other instances (plugins, etc.) it does not work because Retune For Live does not pass through the midi data.

I tried with other retuning software and the data passed through so it is a problem with this particular device. If it could be fixed that would be great!

Sorry, my mistake in my last post - it works fine with Live's own instruments like Analog (it was a midi learn mistake I made). Seems like the problem is with plug-ins like Kontakt it seems...
I just tried it with Live's own instruments (Analog) and the CC data passes more fluently but still there are minor glitches when using CC data, liek hanging notes, there seems to be somehting there concerning the midi data passing through the max device...
Hi - great device, love it.

I found one glitch though, that is aparently common in most midi retuning software: it does not pass-thru CC and other midi data (like aftertouch etc.) very well.

For example, try using kontakt player and midi mapping a controller like mod wheel to a control in thsi sampler. If you try to send mod wheel data through teh Retune device it becomes jittery, it seems that CC data only passes when a key (midi note on) is pressed. Can this be fixed maybe so that all midi data passes through the device fluently and only midi notes are retuned?

Hey, thanks for the device.

Two ideas for improvement:

- The device does not respond to the same MIDI CCs from outside sources. This could be useful to use external controllers to tweak the Drum Machine live, through Ableton

- it needs a "Send All Current Parameters" button to send all its current parameters to the Tanzbar. Then we can use this device as a preset or template for any given song, we simply set the parameters we want and save them and then each time we play that song we press this button first to set the tanzbar to the sound we want.

Ok, I was able to get the device to receive sysex from the synth using 32-bit Live and lh_midi. I have to use data dump on the matrix to make it work (changing presets does not work). Also, it does not transfer all parameters (it is not reliable), like cutoff etc. If I click sysex dump on the max device after receiving a patch the synth stops creating sound (mute patch). But that is fine, I will use it simply for sound design, it works well for that. thanks for the assistance in any case.
I've checked for errors but didn't see any (but I don't know much about programming in Max). There is an error relating to lh_midi I believe (in and out) but I guess it is because I am using 64bit architecture (it says "architecture not as expected"). I can't change ports because I don't know how to use max...

Would it be worth trying to install the latest Max version but 32bit instead of the 64 I have? Would it be better to also use Live 32-bit or is it ok to stay to the 64? I would really love to get this device to receive patches from the Oberheim so I could tweak can send sysex fine to the Oberheim but not receive them...
I've checked for errors but didn't see any (but I don't know much about programming in Max). There is an error relating to lh_midi I believe (in and out) but I guess it is because I am using 64bit architecture (it says "architecture not as expected"). I can't change ports because I don't know how to use max...

Would it be worth trying to install the latest Max version but 32bit instead of the 64 I have? Would it be better to also use Live 32-bit or is it ok to stay to the 64? I would really love to get this device to receive patches from the Oberheim so I could tweak can send sysex fine to the Oberheim but not receive them...
Thanks. I do that but the device does not receive the sysex data sent from the oberheim. None of its knobs change when I send the sysex to the Max device. I believe UDP is set correctly because it signals that it receives the data from the synth and I also can change parameters on the synth by moving knobs on the device. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Hi, love the device and could make it work using UDP bridge. However the device does not seem to be able to receive patches (sysex), only send them to the machine, correct? Is it possible to make it so it can receive a patch so we can then tweak it? Thanks.