Comments by Hektagon

Fantastic work! How difficult would it be to make the morph synch-able to tempo? or even better, being able to assign a max LFO to affect the morph parameter instead of the morph rate?
Thanks for sharing!
Looks really good, but I am not getting any sound on Ableton Live 9.1.6 32bits. I am also running the latest version of Max for Live on Macosx.
Tested it on my machine but the graphics appear all broken and there is no sound, looks interesting though.
Thanks! This is a great device very useful indeed!. Also your oscilloscope is fantastic, I use it all the time for Sound Design.
Thanks 12RT2, I have checked the updated version and that worked flawlessly; this is one the most useful max for live devices I have ever used! Well done!
Nice idea but the problem is that the start of the sample is always the same across all the clips it creates, the only thing that changes is the position of the loop. So you need to readjust it afterwards, great idea but adjusting each start of the sample so it is the same as the start of the loop is a long process. I wonder if there is a way to by pass this?
This device would be complete if it was possible to use it with a floating window that stays on, that way you do not have to keep looking at the track in which Multimapper is on each time you want to map a different device. Would this be possible?