Comments by GZHN

This device would be even more perfect if the mapped parameter values would transfer to the ableton macro knob in stead of showing values from 0.00 till 1.00
Great device. Simple but useful. I use it to randomize the parameters of M4L devices and plugins with more then 16 knobs.
Great device. Nice work. Only thing I'm missing is the RND button to randomize all the mapped parameters per macro. A button for every macro knob for instance.
oooh mannn, thankyou!!! gamechanger
@killihu - Thank you! This device is about to replace the default live rack if the random function is added. The options for bipolair and button for each knob is also genius!
Awesome device! Thnks.

Is it very difficult to add the Randomize parameters button like the Live rack? Together with the macro minimum-maximum settings? Also I can't seem to find the option to delete macro's. I'm using it not only for VST's but also for max4live device.
Yes, perfect! Just what I was looking for.
I use it to randomly trigger sliced percussion loops like bongo and conga loops. Would be insanely awesome if there was a 'Randomize' button which generates a locked random sequence.
Thank you for this device and the updates. I'm using it as a simple drumrack sequencer. I know this device is meant as a Zularic Repetitor clone but the device would be perfect if there was a random button for each of the lanes to randomly generate patterns.