Comments by Filament

I made this to control one sound selection on the machinedrum only. You can select the sound selection from the umenu on the top left of the device.

You can have this device on multiple tracks to control more sound selections from the machinedrum.

I made this to control the machinedrum from live. I did not have the need for this device to to receive midi data from machinedrum. If you want to edit it for your own needs please go ahead. It is not locked.

My bad. I didn't have the latest max update installed. Have now updated and all works brilliantly now. Thanks. Great LFO.
@st235 Unfortunately I don't personally know professor Essl. Sorry for the confusion. I was not sure of the abbr. ELAK. Thought it may be an insult ;) I thought maybe the device was not very good, or something. I am not a German speaker and tried a google translation, but nothing was clear.
Lists do not work here. Cant choose devices or params to modulate. Loads of errors. Do I need any externals to use this?

@st235 WTF?
Very Useful. Thanks.