Comments by EarthDSP

the buttom key is just what you play
the left one top is the notes and the one on the right top is the chords
dump is made for the right one...

dont play and do this live ... stop ... choose a note
make the chord dump !

this is how this works. there should not be any issues

I love the idea. thank you :)
SamSaw2: i am so happy to hear this. i was missing something like this.
be sure to get the latest updates because its planed to be the best.
btw. to make claps with it is really super easy :)
Fixed it. let me know if its ok.
The first patch is seilent. Raise the gain on osc 1 then you should get a sound. Mmmm.... Will check this out. It was probably packed not really good :( sorry everyone. Will fix this crash and post again very 1.2 thank you for the feedback.
I think you don't need the patchfile ... It can be embedded ...