2RuleFilterV1.91 Version 1.91
TwoRuleFilter which is based on “2RuleFilter” is a self-...
2RuleSonogramIns 1 Version 1.0
Spectral Drawn filter: you can drop a sample and draw lines ...
2RuleMidiSeq3 Version 3.0
2RuleMidiSeq is a polyphonic arp and seq variable note beats...
2RulePictoGramIns1.4 Version 1.2
Spectrum modifier by using Image.\r\n-Drop an audio sample t...
tugImgSpect Version 2.1
Update: ver2.1\r\npfft subpatches was lost in version 2.0. N...
tugImgSpectDraw Version 1.0
tugImgSpectDraw is audio spectrum modifier using fft by dra...
2RuleMidiSeq Version 1.0
Upload empty file to max4live sites!! sorry for that.\r\nUpd...
2RuleMidiSeq5 Version 5.0
2RuleMidiSeq is a polyphonic arp and seq creator.\r\nEach se...
tugImgSpect 3 Version 3.0
update to 3 : When a song was saved in ableton, the tugSpecI...
2RuleImgSpectDraw Version 3.0
2RuleImgSpectDraw is audio spectrum modifier by drawing . Ti...