Device Details


Name | Version: rings-v2 2.0
Author: steech
Device Type: Instrument
Description: "...RINGS-v2..." by steech (v2.0)

original M4L device here:
leaving the original in tact for the sake of compatibility

updates from v1:
- device is now an Instrument instead of an Audio Effect
- route audio in from other Live tracks or with the embedded Routing drop down
- "RESET" button only resets the rings Max object instead of all params & keeps resonator model # intact

Original code by Émilie Gillet
Max Object by Volker Böhm
FOR MAC & WIN (now with M1)

This uses Windows (untested) objects by:

Basic Usage:
There are 2 "strum" modes:

Audio routed to this Live track will hit, strike or caress the resonator. Send audio from another Live track to this device.

Incoming MIDI will trigger a "strum".

When MIDI RETRIG is ON, every new MIDI note will trigger a "re-strum". When OFF, overlapping notes will cause a "re-strum".

There are 2 modes for controlling the Pitch/Frequency of the resonator:

Incoming MIDI will set the pitch/frequency of the resonator.

2) FREQUENCY (knob)
Dial in Coarse Frequency of resonator between C0-C5.



Live Version Used: 11.2.11
Max Version Used: 8.5.3
Date Added: Mar 31 2023 16:19:31
Date Last Updated: Mar 31 2023 16:21:29
Downloads: 1040
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: rings-v2.amxd


Rings is one of my favorite modules. Thank you!
Hi ! Thank you for this new version. Little issue here , when i change polyphony mode, there is no more sound...
Hi. Thank you for sharing this device, love it. I can't map the parameters to a LFO, i tried clicking the text, the graphic. Is there a trick for this?

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