Device Details


Name | Version: AL9 Legato Hold 2.1
Author: alchemical9
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This is a device for extending note lengths so that each note is held until another note is played.

It also provides a way to use a mouse to click and hold notes indefinitely. This can be tremendously useful for setting up drones or holding looped samples and things like that.

Primarily, I developed this to go after an arpeggiator or other note-generation device. Such devices typically have a set note length, AL9 Legato+Hold gives you a way to increase the note lengths to extend across any spaces in the generated MIDI.

The "Polyphony" control determines how many notes are held at one time.

With a Polyphony of 1, each incoming note will stop the previous note playing. For a setting of 2, the second incoming note is also held, and then the 3rd note played will replace the 1st one. As this goes up, the oldest held note will be replaced by the next note once the number of notes held reaches the polyphony value.

That is a very cool thing to be able to do if you like layering your drones.

The keyboard display shows you which notes are being held, but you can also click on the keyboard to hold notes.

The polyphony limit will be applied to notes added with mouse clicks. You can also stop a held note individually by clicking on it.

There is a "stop" button in case things get out of hand.

The "Legato" switch enables the note length extension for keyboard input, turn this off to return to normal key on/key off playing. The switch doesn't affect notes added with mouse clicks on the keyboard display.

This is a remix of the former "Hold Legato" device.

Version 2.1
* avoids hung notes when changing polyphony
* duplicate notes don't steal other held notes
* minor display tweaks


Live Version Used: 11.2.6
Max Version Used: 8.3.3
Date Added: Nov 20 2022 22:58:13
Date Last Updated: Dec 06 2024 03:13:03
Downloads: 665
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Device File: AL9 Legato.Hold.amxd


This is incredible, thanks.
Thanks so much!! I needed this, to the initial realisation that I needed it that much that I would have to learn how to make it in Max... But no! Here it is! And it works perfectly! Thanks again...

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