Device Details


Name | Version: PlayPause 1.0
Author: ICubeX
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This device presents the transport controls in a different way than the two start and stop buttons of Live, with separate buttons for start (play from the beginning), pause (stop and stay at the current time), continue (play from where it was paused) and reset (stop and return to the beginning). Map the buttons with MIDI to have remote transport control of Live.


Live Version Used: 8.1
Max Version Used: 5.1.7
Date Added: Aug 05 2011 15:04:25
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 1513
License: Attribution
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: PlayPause.amxd


Cool, thanks for that device.
I've downloaded it but I can't find the device in ableton?
Would have been really useful for me just for the continue button which doesn't exist in Live and therefore cannot be mapped, but here you need to push a key or midi note twice in order to have it working the next time you use it, which is a bummer.
Momentary would have been perfect
Now, go 4 bars before or after pause :) thank you!

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