Device Details

Device Overview

Name/Version: SSAtool - session scene automator 2.0.0
Author: NoraPatches  
Description: SSAtool is a Max4Live utility device that introduces pseudo-automation in the realm of Ableton Live’s Session View.

The device is FREE but donations are highly appreciated! :)

Main Features:
SELECT SCENE [numberbox]
-Scene range is always equal to the number of scenes currently in the Live Set indexed from 1 to total number of Scenes
-In Live we can rearrange the order of Scenes, so in order to assist the user, SSAtool creates a comment box which displays the selected Scene’s name (if any), colour (if any) and tempo change (if any). If there’s no name provided, SSAtool displays "empty".

SELECT MODE [dropdown]
-Toggle between Remote Off/Remote On
-We can remotely turn off or turn on a device

SELECT TARGET [dropdown]
-If there are no other effects on the Track/Group, SSAtool populates the dropdown menu with “NONE” and “init” – this indicates that there are no other devices than SSAtool on given track
-If there is only 1 other device than SSAttol on the Track/Group, the dropdown menu is populated with “NONE” and the other device name
-If there are multiple other devices on the Track/Group, SSAtool populates the dropdown menu with the names of the devices in sequence as they are placed on the chain. -Replacing the order of the devices on chain re-populates the menu accordingly

SSAtool never populates the dropdown menu with an option resembling itself so the device can’t map to self by accident.

Device Details

Tags effect, utility, other, m4lhackevent, beta
Live Version Used: 11.2.7
Max Version Used: 8.5.2
Date Added: Sep 01 2021 00:43:12
Date Last Updated: Jan 03 2023 16:08:14
Device Type: audio_device
Download URL (report link)
License (more info): None


very useful! thank you for sharing

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