Device Details


Name | Version: PHYImpact 1.0
Author: fuse
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: PHYImpact is part of PHY, a series of Max4Live devices which use physical properties such as elasticity, bounce, and collision to control audio device parameters in Ableton Live. PHY is a 3D physical simulation environment build with objects within MaxMsp. Inside this space, a set of spheres can interact with each other, collide, impact or bounce against invisible objects. It is possible to track in real-time specific data of these spheres such as their position, velocity or angle of motion. These parameters can then be used to control audio parameters in Ableton Live.
The MapButton patch has been used inside Ableton Live to activate the mapping function.


Live Version Used: 10.1.1
Max Version Used: 8.0.4
Date Added: Oct 02 2019 08:30:46
Date Last Updated: Oct 09 2019 09:08:45
Downloads: 936
License: Attribution
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Device File: PHY_Impact.amxd


Interesting find. I would like the series more if it supported each "dot" as a midi pitch with velocity for each "collision" so I could try to use it like Cracklefield in ways.

Someone needs to make a cool "Ants" style generative grid that is advanced for MaxForLive. Cracklefield is great and all but it's nice to have Live native devices.

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