Device Details


Name | Version: PianoRoll 128 Keys Floating Window 1.0
Author: Dorra4000
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Very simpel device, it is a floating window that displays the keys you are playing, i got myself a push 2 and needed something to help me understand the layout.

It is also a great template for you, if you want to make your own floating devices:

1. Open the "p window"
2. Copy the objects and arguments
3. create new patcher, creat "p window"
4. Paste and design your window, paste the rest, first time you lock and save will be the size of the window.

Note: the window will not close until you press close, very handy :)


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 8.0.6
Date Added: Sep 28 2019 11:26:49
Date Last Updated: Sep 30 2019 16:39:48
Downloads: 764
License: None
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Device File: PIANO128.amxd


It is awesome! Thank's a lot for sharing! If it'll have in the future an optional note view below the keys, and chord detector it will be absolutely awesome!
Hello, and you are welcome :) It has a note view below the keys, it displays the last pressed note, if that is what you mean? :)

And chord detector!! why did i not think of that! i am on it.

and pleas do explain what you mean by note view :)
i am lazy so i will just copy/paste his maxpat, i do not now the rules in here, so if chord detection is needed. DIY :)
1) There is a chord detection device, but it didn't float.

2) Here is notation but without push scale selection integration and without chords detection.

3) HarmoDisplayGuitar J74, unfortunately, didn't detect chords and haven't notation.

Unfortunately, I whole newfag in m4l yet. *(
I think these factors will be very useful for this device:

1. Floating screen
(optional big one-octave mode with big octave number sign).
2. Chord detection with big font size.
3. With note view above with big size.
4. Guitar view like in HarmoDisplayGuitar J74

It seems to need some sort of collaboration to make an exhaustive one.*)

Have a nice day!
hello, well i really just wanted something to help me understand the push layout, just got into the shapes and chord detection seemed like a nice idea.
I love max, but it is also a big black hole, so whenever i can copy and paste, i will do it. more time for music.

If the text is to small for you, you can edit it this way:
Open device in max
double click "p window"
unlock the patcher
click on text to be scaled
click on view, then on "open inspector window"
change font size :)
shift click to sellect more than 1 text box.

remember to lock and save :)
Thank's for your advice!
Is there a way to display the notes played out of multiple midi tracks in one instance of those nice devices? 🤔 Thanks ! :)

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