Device Details


Name | Version: Reverser 1.0
Author: redhexagonal
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: This is a basic reversing delay, up to a bar long, that can be set to return to the dry mix at the beginning of a bar, with a small adjustable cut at the end of the reverse to give it more punch. The reverse delay has an adjustable declicking amount. The Jump button fades the mix quickly to the reverse delay, good for performance.


Live Version Used: 10.0.6
Max Version Used: 8.0.5
Date Added: May 16 2019 18:35:48
Date Last Updated: May 16 2019 21:13:36
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Hey, is this a reverse delay only or can it be used to reverse audio in "real time". I'd love to have something like initial audio reverser and wasn't sure if this plugin can be used for that.
The delay length is variable so you can reverse a whole bar or reverse each quarter bar or 16th etc, which all give a different feel. Try it , if it doesn't do what you want I'll refund you.
@redhexagonal - Do you have a demo video you could post by chance?

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