Device Details
Name | Version: | Zero Latency Midi Router Sender 0.5 |
Author: | voodoohop |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Device for routing midi notes arbitrarily between different parts of your set. Uses Live's delay compensation to circumvent the latency introduced by Max for Live's inter-device communication restrictions. The sender device sends the exact transport time with the midi note event. The receiver device has a defined latency of 512 samples which means it receives the events 512 samples before they need to be sent out. It then just delays them by the necessary amount of time so they leave the device at the correct moment. Necessary to download the accompanying receiver device for this to be useful: |
Live Version Used: | 9.2 |
Max Version Used: | 7.0.4 |
Date Added: | May 11 2016 09:23:55 |
Date Last Updated: | May 16 2016 18:34:11 |
Downloads: | 1051 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | Voodoohop Midi Note Sender.amxd |
What exactly makes you believe that sending messages via M4L-Send/Receive has zero latency?
Posted on May 15 2016 by ssrmpc |
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Sorry it isn't explained well.
The sender device sends the exact transport time with the midi note event.
The receiver device has a defined latency of 512 samples which means it receives the events 512 samples before they need to be sent out. It then just delays them by the necessary amount of time.
Posted on May 16 2016 by voodoohop |
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I have tried several other MIDI routers as well and this is the only one with zero latency. Also the MIDI through is a great addition. Good job with this one!
Posted on February 23 2017 by imagine |
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I have one request, would it be possible to add more IN / OUT channels?
Posted on February 23 2017 by imagine |
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I am having an issue with this device. When the device is ON, it does not send the sustain midi signal. Any recommendation?
Posted on August 22 2017 by hjhaveri |
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does this make any difference if you're playing in midi notes live with a keyboard, as opposed to using a midi hardware sequencer or something?
Posted on January 04 2019 by nukage |
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Looks very very close to me, but when I'm routing midi from 1 channel to another, then outputting that midi to another channel to record/check it, there **does** seem to be a slight bit of latency. The source and recorded midi notes don't quite line up.
Posted on March 31 2020 by KeithDigital |
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Agree with latest post, there is a slight latency I have not been able to get rid of. The thing is that when transport is sampled, there still are some actions to be done before outputting the note, and we have no control on these actions whatsoever.
Replaced transport par plugsync~ that is supposed to be very accurate and revamped the architecture to have it occur exactly on time, but I still have around 0.5ms of latency no matter what. Does not happen when using Live's builtin arpeggiator sending out midi to another channel. I've ended up quantizing record to 1/32nd on target track which is accurate enough for my needs.
Maybe there is somewhere a m4l function to bang at a specific time the midi out message ?
Replaced transport par plugsync~ that is supposed to be very accurate and revamped the architecture to have it occur exactly on time, but I still have around 0.5ms of latency no matter what. Does not happen when using Live's builtin arpeggiator sending out midi to another channel. I've ended up quantizing record to 1/32nd on target track which is accurate enough for my needs.
Maybe there is somewhere a m4l function to bang at a specific time the midi out message ?
Posted on December 23 2020 by lorenzolamasse |
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Wondering btw if the remaining latency is not linked to vector size, not sure as there is some jitter on it anyway. I guess that's one of the limitations of M4L to be a hassle when it comes to latency compensation.
Posted on January 14 2021 by lorenzolamasse |
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Hey! I haven't checked these devices for a long time. Can you send me a message to if you have any specific features/questions/bugs?
Posted on May 08 2021 by voodoohop |
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Hi, really a nice concept and it works great when the Ableton buffer size is set to 512, but as soon as I change it to a higher like 1024, the MIDI gets latency. So I was wondering if this could be made to be set dynamically. Thanks!
Posted on December 22 2022 by andrejkobal |
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Hi, I really like the device, is there any chance to also send pitch bend information as well?
Posted on November 19 2023 by fakedubz |
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