Device Details


Name | Version: Grid Slice Step 1.0
Author: hyakken
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: simle grid sequencer for drum rack + realtime midi slicer + step sequencer

added Grid and Slice2


Live Version Used: 9.0.6
Max Version Used: 6.1.4
Date Added: Apr 08 2014 18:30:55
Date Last Updated: Apr 09 2016 22:45:58
Downloads: 4
License: Attribution
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Looks good. How well does it integrate with push? can the push matrix be used to select patterns/control grid functions?
I think this patch can not be used with Push.
I don't have a Push.
So I don't know how to make a patch available to Push.
Great to create random grooves with a fully loaded drum rack or drumsynth, then start a track from there. Thank you as always, and for those who didn't know: hyakken always responds to emails and always tries his best to improve his devices.
Thank you!

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