Device Details


Name | Version: chance 1.0
Author: fendoap
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Control midi probability


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Aug 17 2024 16:01:51
Date Last Updated: Aug 17 2024 16:02:58
Downloads: 0
License: Attribution
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@fendoap Nice simple approach to thinning MIDI density! Have you thought about having one that does THE OPPOSITE too and doubles up notes to jam things? Like stutter/echo/repeats. I know adding UI for that may be more elaborate (re: timing grid and such), but it'd be wicked to have one M4L device that can do BOTH — make default 100% at 12 o' clock, then... swing it to the left and it thins it out, swing it to the right to output more notes!
I'm digging what Torley is laying down

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