Device Details


Name | Version: Dial Beats - Free Creative Sample Player 2.5
Author: Metamagicum
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Dial Beats is a creative dual sample player and slicer for Ableton Live / Max for Live (Freeware).
This is my first upload. If something is missing, not working or acting strange, please let me know, thank you!


- File manager to save and load samples and settings
- Replace samples and folders easily via midi / key control
- Play slices with just one dial or via MIDI control
- Basic time stretching options
- Quantization and sample playback options
- Device skin color options to stay visually relaxed
- A playful and very appealing exterior

Trial and error demo:


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 12.0.5
Date Added: Jul 20 2024 01:46:57
Date Last Updated: Aug 12 2024 20:45:56
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercial
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This looks great!   Thanks for sharing it w/ us!!
First off, this is an absolutely beautifully designed M4L plugin GUI. One of the better I've seen out of thousands.

But I can't figure out for the life of me how to use it. I read the above instructions several times and I've only got as far as to drop a folder of samples into it.
I've experimented with many M4L and I still can't seem to grasp the concept.
Normally, if I can't get it I'll just keep on trucking but I'd like to talk to you about this one. It seems worth the effort.
Please contact me at I'm sure you could set me right in a few minutes.
Thank you.

Hey Rob, thank you for your review!

Well, I admit, the device is a bit cryptic...
I just noticed some minor bugs myself, which I will fix in a future update... despite that, it should work.

Originally I wanted to create a pdf manual for each device, but haven't got around to it yet...

For now, I quickly created a short trail & error demo, currently without voice and commentation, sorry for that:

You, and everyone else who has this problem, just do the following:

1. Drag "Dial Beats (Mix).amxd" into an audio or MIDI track.

2. Drag a sample folder to the "Drop Folder Here!" zone.

3. Select a sample and set the "Slices" to 4 or 8 for drums and rhythm stuff, and 1 or 2 for vocal lines and melodic stuff.

4. Now move the "Beat!" dial, you should hear something now! Live transport must be active for quantisation and audio output. You can set the quantisation rate left of the "Beat!" knob or turn it off with the "X". 4n and 8n are good start values. Turn on "Loop" to auto loop the selected slice.

5. You can map the two "Beat!" dials to a MIDI hardware controller.
So you can "play" the slices of both samplers simultaneously.

6. If you want to sync two samples with different BPM values, turn on "Time Stretch" and "Follow Tempo". Then set the sample's "Original" BPM tempo. Set the "Bars" to 2 or 4, depending on how long the sample is. You will hear the difference.

-> "Folders" preset means: the path to the sample folder is saved / loaded

-> "Samples" preset means: the index number of the two samples that are loaded in the current "Folder" preset are saved / loaded.

-> "Settings" preset means: only the Dial Beat's settings are saved / loaded (number of slices, speed, tempo, mode, quality, form, pitch etc.).

-> You can combine all kind of presets with one another to create new random combinations - or just remember:

"Folders" Slot 1 + "Samples" row 1 + "Settings" row 1 belong together...

I do it that way. It's hard to describe...
I hope you know what I mean.

Greetings, Joe
Just wanted to let you know I followed your advice (albeit a week later) and was able to produce sound with it.
I think it may be a consideration to allow dragging from the Ableton browser to the DROP FOLDER HERE, instead of having to seek out the folder in mac finder.
Many max devices allow that. Otherwise, it was pretty cool and I generated some odd pad like thing I tried to work with.
Impressive GUI.

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