Device Details


Name | Version: Chance Pack 4 1.0
Author: ldmdevices
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: 10 more functional and creative devices initially inspired by the scripts used by Brian Eno, refined and updated for full MPE compatibility. LDM Design has yet again brought another selection of useful but simple devices to alter the course of your MIDI streams and introduce a little chaos into your Live creations.

The Chance Pack FOUR includes devices for splitting and randomizing based on velocity or pitch bands, filtering and modifying notes, quantizing velocity values and triggering clusters of notes. Each of the devices is designed specifically to allow MPE data to pass through, and is fully optimized for controlling using Push or mapping to any midi controller.


Live Version Used: 11
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: May 04 2024 10:56:15
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Glad to see the series continues! The original Chance Pack helped me out in many a sitch. Fun UI for some of these.

Have you thought about expanding into Live 12 Generators? I've thought it'd be cool to have a v12 successor for Chance_Drillz, that prints the notes out right there in MIDI so they can easily be edited.
Hi thanks.
TBH I just can't seem to find any motivation for the live 12 generators and such. Some others have made some devices I can appreciate on the technical side but I don't really see the point in most of it and would I ever use them? Don't really like to be tied to the piano roll also. Pretty sure there's one there for chopping a note into pieces already.
The Cluster device in this pack kind of started off inspired by the drillz, but went in a slightly different direction. My Preroll device I released not long back is probably closer to drillz but a lot more flexible
I haven't used Generators as much as I like because a big feature is missing — PRESETS and the ability to recall something at a whim. Instead of clicking through parameters. BUT, when Generators work, it feels intricately satisfying, and there are some I've found very inspiring like

Earlier, I would output some of your devices into their own MIDI record track so I could get the raw notes to modify. As much as I like things happening in realtime, I like to fine-tune after. So I believe there's still benefits to bridging those workflow styles.

Good to know Cluster is a spiritual successor!

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