Device Details


Name | Version: BitEcho 1.02
Author: TRNR
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: BitEcho is an 80s inspired, modeled digital hardware delay with "pristine" 12 bit/33 khz sample resolution and 1 second delay time. The resolution can be brought further down from brittle, digital artifacts to absolute bit crushed mayhem. Inputs and outputs are clipping protected (which means that they can distort - just like a hardware device) and the delay time is gently modulated for subtle variations and stereo widening.

The Pro version features a triangle LFO for modulating the delay time, separate controls for bit and sample rate resolution, the ability to sync the delay to the host's tempo and a ping-pong delay option.


Version 1.02
- Updated resampling algorithm with proper anti-alising
- Updated range of the resolution control

Version 1.01
- Updated UI: will visually fit better between stock devices and also changes its colors according to the selected theme.

Version 1.0
- Initial release


Live Version Used: 10.1.43
Max Version Used: 8.3.2
Date Added: Sep 07 2022 08:27:22
Date Last Updated: Feb 22 2023 14:02:26
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNoDerivatives
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